Who We Are

Elite-Business and Management School, a Simplified Joint Stock Company, abbreviated E-BMS SAS is an elite structure of excellence specializing in training and capacity building for executives and business leaders as well as business women and businessmen in Professional English, Business and Management English, Specialty English and English for Specific Purposes.
Our structure finds its innovative feature in the identification of the existence of a real need, unfortunately unmet, for training in Professional English, Business and Management English, Specialty English and English for Specific Purposes. Unlike the current English training offer on the market, which is a classic and standard offer and which mainly targets General English provided by certain educational establishments and some language institutes, our structure has positioned itself on a clientele targeted to meet its specific needs.  We have identified and analyzed a sub-segment of the market with high potential due to the specificity and quality of our services which directly affect the intrinsic needs of our customers

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the elite, excellence-driven and outstanding company which offers our clients the opportunity to break the ice by being among the ones who influence the running of the world through an excellent command of Professional English, Business & Management English, Specialty English and English for Specific Purposes.

Our Mission

  • Enlarge & enrich the competitiveness of our customers in the world market;
  • Support the ambitions of our clients to become global leaders;
  • Restore the belief, throughout our offer, that Professional English, Business and Management English, Specialty English and English for Specific Purposes are the keys to the success of future entrepreneur champions.

Our Objective

Our objective is to provide our clients with quality services through our team of trainers who are proficient in their areas of intervention at E-BMS in Professional English, Business & Management English, Specialty English and English for Specific Purposes.

Our Values

E-BMS draws on values ​​based on ethics and corporate culture:

  • The 3 Ls (Active Listening to the client’s needs – Looking/Observation of the client’s needs & performances – Learning/Developing the humility to learn from the client & respond accordingly to his/her needs;
  • Professionalism
  • Respect to the client and collegial respect;
  • Excellence & quality in the service delivery;
  • Confidence in ourselves, our assets & the ability to raise up to the client’s expectations;
  • User-friendliness of the working environment;
  • Strict compliance with service provision contracts and partnership agreements;
  • Collegiality of the training team;
  • Flexibility, attractiveness and competitiveness of our prices;
  • Concerted approach in the identification, analysis and assessment of the training needs of our clients;
  • Prioritization of the scheduling of training according to the needs of our customers.
  • Monitoring of our clients after training to help them create spaces for consolidating their knowledge through discussion groups in English;

Our Intervention Areas

  •        Banking, Finance, Accounting, Insurance & Financial Engineering;
  •        Fiscal Policy;
  •        Hospitality & Tourism;
  •        Transport & Logistics;
  •        Journalism & Media;
  •        Medicine & Chemistry;
  •        Audit, Business Law & Company Law;
  •        Human Resource Management;
  •        Project management;
  •        Setting up and Development of SMEs;
  •        Entrepreneurship;
  •        Marketing, Sales, Trade & International Trade;
  •        Agronomy & Agro-Industry;
  •        Management of Fisheries & Livestock Resources;
  •        Energy & Mining Resources;
  •        Civil Engineering, Buildings & Public Works;
  •        Art, Fashion, Music & Culture;
  •        Communication & Negotiation Techniques;
  •        Job Interview Techniques
  •        Leadership;
  •        Motivation;
  •        Computer Science & Networks;
  •        Time Management;
  •        Stress Management;
  •        Teaching & Research Methodology…
  •        Translation;
  •        Conference Interpreting;
  •        One-To-One Tuitions
  •        Preparation for TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, GMAT…

34 Years of experience
200 cases
100% % Of success
10 Instructors

Our Partners